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    Struggling to keep up to date on constantly changing tax legislation, regulations and news? Our monthly tax alert series is designed to give you the h... more
    Apr 30, 2025: 12pm - 2pm CT
    2 credits

    This interactive self-study course offers the CPA a good overview and refresher of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. The course covers the areas... more
    4 credits

    A CPA is challenged in today's work world to not only serve their client or employer but to also protect the public interest by ensuring that there is... more
    4 credits

    Ethics for New York CPAs is designed to meet the triennial ethics requirement for New York CPAs renewing their licenses. The course covers the areas o... more
    4 credits

    Ethics for California CPAs is designed to meet the biennial ethics requirement for California CPAs renewing their licenses. The course covers the area... more
    4 credits

    This course has been approved by the Florida Board and it is good for the two-year period ending June 30, 2025. Personal and Professional Ethics for F... more
    4 credits

    This interactive self-study course is designed to help the tax professional understand the rules and regulations governing the tax profession and the ... more
    2 credits

    This course provides a comprehensive and clear explanation of Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) for performing compilation and revi... more
    9 credits

    Professional Ethics for Arizona CPAs is designed to meet the biennial ethics CPE requirement for Arizona CPAs renewing their licenses. In addition to ... more
    4 credits

    This course begins by giving users a refresher course in the basics of financial accounting and reporting. It includes a review of accounting principl... more
    10 credits

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